He/Him || Adult

Hey y'all my name is TVtheTV, but you can call me TV. I draw, write, make music, be a nerd, and mouth-breathe in my gamer chair. I love biology and chemistry so fucking much bro you have no idea. I am in school to become a Molecular and Cellular Biology major with a Biochemistry and Psychology minor. Content will be slow but it will be happen. okay bye <3

Please read my rules:

Twitch Chat Rules

1. No bigotry.2. No spamming.3. No political talk unless I start it. And I Will start it.4. No spoilers! If I need help, I'll phrase it like "chat, can you tell me ___?". If I don't ask, don't tell.5. Please do not share too much about yourself here! There's people out there trying to use that information to harm or profit off of you, and I don't want to be complicit in that. This includes age, city, and real name.6. My streams are for MATURE AUDIENCES (16+). Only exception is collabs where I have to not be a freak.7. Please do not vent or trauma dump in the chat. If you are feeling suicidal, look up the suicide hotline for you state or country.8. Rules are subject to change!

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